The company

The company

The company

Our management from left to right: Peyrik Möller, Peter Overlack, Ralf Steinmeister

Our man­age­ment from left to right:
Peyrik Möller, Peter Over­lack, Ralf Steinmeister

Since Jan­u­ary 2017 Lap­pen (Ger­man: Baum­schule Lap­pen) has been under­go­ing a dra­mat­ic process of renew­al and is trans­form­ing itself more vig­or­ous­ly into a cus­tomer-ori­ent­ed ser­vice com­pa­ny. The “new”  Lap­pen tree nurs­ery is invest­ing in its suc­cess­ful cor­po­rate cul­ture: since 2017 new employ­ees have been engaged, the shrubs have been retrained and thou­sands of new trees prop­a­gat­ed and grown to usable size.

The pro­tect­ed loca­tion on the Low­er Rhine Embay­ment is excel­lent­ly suit­ed as a loca­tion for a tree nurs­ery. The rea­sons for this are the cli­mate, the soil and the loca­tion in the cen­tre of Europe. An opti­mum cli­mate pre­vails in the Low­er Rhine region: it not only ensures con­tin­u­ous and healthy plant growth, but also guar­an­tees an almost unin­ter­rupt­ed sup­ply of trees in winter.

The soil in the Low­er Rhine region, togeth­er with the eco­log­i­cal cul­ti­va­tion mea­sures employed by the Lap­pen tree nurs­ery, pro­motes a healthy root sys­tem – the basis for good root­ing and con­tin­u­ous growth. Fur­ther­more, the geo­graph­ic loca­tion offers short sup­ply routes to the plants’ destinations.

Lap­pens’ pro­duc­tion com­plies with the FLL qual­i­ty reg­u­la­tions. The tree nurs­ery assumes respon­si­bil­i­ty for the future by ensur­ing sus­tain­abil­i­ty with­in the com­pa­ny. It is MPS‑A cer­ti­fied (the best pos­si­ble rat­ing) under the num­ber 803624. The com­pa­ny’s oper­a­tions  exceed all of the require­ments of the Ger­man Fed­er­al Nature Con­ser­va­tion Act  regard­ing the wide selec­tion of plants with cer­ti­fied proof of ori­gin from the var­i­ous dif­fer­ent habitats.

Your contacts

Ralf Steinmeister

Ralf Steinmeister

Managing Director

+49 2157 818–0
Peter Overlack

Peter Overlack

Managing director

+49 2161 356 100
Peyrik Möller

Peyrik Möller

Managing Director

+49 2157 818–0
Daniela Ollesch

Daniela Ollesch

Germany, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Croatia, Poland

+49 2157 818–137
Georg Engelke

Georg Engelke


+49 2157 818–153
Florian Rieger

Florian Rieger


+49 2157 818–157
Thomas Franken

Thomas Franken


+49 2157 818–109
Ricarda Schmitz

Ricarda Schmitz

Assistance Germany, Netherlands, Belgium

+49 2157 818–154
Nina Hommers

Nina Hommers

Assistance Germany

+49 2157 818–102
Tatjana Knak

Tatjana Knak

Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia

+49 2157 818–139
Vincent Roblot-Lescaux

Vincent Roblot-Lescaux

France, Luxembourg

Nataliya Hauser

Nataliya Hauser

Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia

+49 2157 818–129
Valentin Tantart

Valentin Tantart

France, Belgium (Wallonia), French Switzerland

+49 2157 818–125
Tanja Müller

Tanja Müller

Assistance France

+49 2157 818–123
Marie-Laure Herrmann

Marie-Laure Herrmann

Assistance France

+49 2157 818–144
Teije de Haan

Teije de Haan

The Netherlands, Belgium (Flanders)

+49 2157 818–147
Jörg Hoffmann

Jörg Hoffmann

Private customers

+49 2157 818–112
Katharina Heinen

Katharina Heinen

Procurement of plants

+49 2157 818–117
Martin Funken

Martin Funken

Purchasing manager

+49 2157 818–162
Sabine Theobald

Sabine Theobald


+49 2157 818–106

About Us

Location: in the heart of Europe

The Lap­pen tree nurs­ery is locat­ed in the heart of Europe.


The basic facil­i­ties of the Lap­pen tree nurs­ery include inno­v­a­tive machines and a large machine fleet.


Lap­pen is capa­ble of deliv­er­ing orders to cus­tomers on a “just-in-time” basis.


On 20 Octo­ber, at the age of 24, Adolph Friedrich Lap­pen sub­mit­ted a build­ing appli­ca­tion for a dis­patch build­ing to the Kaldenkirchen Municipality.