
On the large load­ing bay at the Lap­pen tree nurs­ery in the Kaldenkirchen area of Net­te­tal, locat­ed in the mid­dle of the Low­er Rhine region, our trained and expe­ri­enced staff super­vis­es the prop­er load­ing of the valu­able freight in a man­ner that ensures the plants are treat­ed gen­tly. To pre­vent the trees becom­ing dam­aged they are loaded into the trucks from above. This avoids addi­tion­al load­ing and unload­ing and reduces the risk of dam­ag­ing the tree. The root­balls are also pro­tect­ed dur­ing the process. The Lap­pen tree nurs­ery uses mod­ern Vol­vo exca­va­tors and a large num­ber of trac­tors for load­ing and unload­ing. The truck roof can be slid to the front or rear as nec­es­sary, there­by ensur­ing secure and space-sav­ing loading.

Cus­tomers also ben­e­fit from this tech­nol­o­gy, because unload­ing the trees takes place in reverse order.

On the one hand this allows many trees to be accom­mo­dat­ed on a sin­gle truck, while pre­vent­ing the branch­es from inter­lock­ing with each oth­er. Trans­porta­tion takes place with the assis­tance of long-stand­ing part­ner car­ri­ers who quick­ly and reli­ably ship con­sign­ments to cus­tomers through­out Europe and ensure on-time delivery.

Lap­pen is there­fore capa­ble of deliv­er­ing orders to cus­tomers on a “just-in-time” basis. In addi­tion, the tree nurs­ery offers spe­cial trans­porta­tion for trees that exceed nor­mal ship­ping dimen­sions, where over­sized con­sign­ments exceed 13 metres in length and four metres in width but small­er freight vol­umes are also grouped togeth­er here and effi­cient­ly trans­port­ed to their des­ti­na­tions. An addi­tion­al ser­vice also allows cus­tomers to col­lect their select­ed trees from the yard. This par­tic­u­lar­ly ben­e­fits region­al cus­tomers who sub­se­quent­ly trav­el direct­ly to the con­struc­tion site.

About us

Location: in the heart of Europe

The Lap­pen tree nurs­ery is locat­ed in the heart of Europe.


The basic facil­i­ties of the Lap­pen tree nurs­ery include inno­v­a­tive machines and a large machine fleet.


Lap­pen is capa­ble of deliv­er­ing orders to cus­tomers on a “just-in-time” basis.


On 20 Octo­ber, at the age of 24, Adolph Friedrich Lap­pen sub­mit­ted a build­ing appli­ca­tion for a dis­patch build­ing to the Kaldenkirchen Municipality.