

Change in the management

On 1 Feb­ru­ary 2023, Baum & Bon­heur announces a change in the man­age­ment. With imme­di­ate effect, the trio of Ralf Stein­meis­ter (Chair­man of the Man­age­ment Board), Peter Over­lack (Man­ag­ing Direc­tor Strat­e­gy and Inter­na­tion­al) and Peyrik Möller (Man­ag­ing Direc­tor Sales) will take over the for­tunes of the nursery.


Takeover by the Overlack family

The sib­lings Peter, Anne and Eva Over­lack take over the tra­di­tion­al tree nurs­ery and thus com­plete the exit from the eco­nom­ic dif­fi­cul­ties. Step by step, the com­pa­ny is to be made more future-proof, mod­ern and innovative.


Lappen repositions itself

Pro­duc­tion process­es are adapt­ed, sales and dis­tri­b­u­tion are expand­ed. The cus­­tomer-ori­en­t­ed ser­vice com­pa­ny with some 130 employ­ees cul­ti­vates high-qual­i­­ty plants on an area of 650 hectares of open land.


Christian Lappen assumes management responsibility

Chris­t­ian Lap­pen, the sec­ond eldest son of Dieter Lap­pen, who has worked in the busi­ness since 2001, assumes man­age­ment responsibility.


Dieter Lappen takes over the tree nursery as successor

Dieter Lap­pen takes over the tree nurs­ery as suc­ces­sor and assumes man­age­ment respon­si­bil­i­ty. Spe­cial­i­sa­tion in avenue trees and the large tree sec­tor is afford­ed high pri­or­i­ty. The tree nurs­ery grows to become one of the largest in Europe and employs a work­force of over 100.


Gertrud Lappen marries Heinz Schmidt & rebuilding

Gertrud Lap­pen mar­ries mas­ter gar­den­er (spe­cial­is­ing in tree nurs­eries) Heinz Schmidt. The rebuild­ing of the tree nurs­ery begins fol­low­ing the chaos of war.


Gertrud Lappen returns

Gertrud Lap­pen returns to the fam­i­ly home at ‘am Her­renpfad’. The build­ings and tree nurs­ery fields are severe­ly dam­aged through artillery attacks. Dur­ing the post-war years the tree nurs­ery kept its head above water by cul­ti­vat­ing veg­eta­bles and util­is­ing the pre­vi­ous­ly plant­ed orchards.


Friedolf falls in Moldova & evacuation

Friedolf falls in Moldovadur­ing the war. Kaldenkirchen was com­plete­ly evac­u­at­ed, the employ­ees were called up for mil­i­tary ser­vice, and the tree nurs­ery grew wild.


The beginning of the war

The begin­ning of the war brought an end to rapid devel­op­ment. Friedolf Lap­pen was called up for ser­vice in the Ger­man armed forces. Two sons result from the mar­riage with Getrud Lor­bach: Ado (born in 1941) and Dieter (born in 1943).


Son Friedolf takes over the business

Friedolf takes over the busi­ness and con­tin­ues to expand it. As heir, this was planned from the time of his birth. The first conifers are includ­ed in the Lap­pen tree nurs­ery prod­uct assortment.


Cultivation of fruit and avenue trees

Cul­ti­va­tion of fruit and avenue trees; spe­cial­i­sa­tion in this kind of cul­ti­va­tion is accelerated.


First sales and establishment of the ‘Adolph Friedrich Lappen – Baum- und Rosenschule’

The first plant sales took place in autumn. The work­force grew rapid­ly to 10 peo­ple. Adolph Friedrich Lap­pen estab­lish­es the “Adolph Friedrich Lap­pen – Baum- und Rosen­schule” (tree and rose nursery).


Cultivation of stock plants

Cul­ti­va­tion of stock plants for fruit trees, berry bush­es and the in-house selec­tion Tilia europaea ‘Pal­l­i­da Typ Lappen’.


Planning application for a dispatch building

On 20 Octo­ber, at the age of 24, Adolph Friedrich Lap­pen sub­mit­ted a build­ing appli­ca­tion for a dis­patch build­ing to the Kaldenkirchen Municipality.

About us

Location: in the heart of Europe

The Lap­pen tree nurs­ery is locat­ed in the heart of Europe.


The basic facil­i­ties of the Lap­pen tree nurs­ery include inno­v­a­tive machines and a large machine fleet.


Lap­pen is capa­ble of deliv­er­ing orders to cus­tomers on a “just-in-time” basis.


On 20 Octo­ber, at the age of 24, Adolph Friedrich Lap­pen sub­mit­ted a build­ing appli­ca­tion for a dis­patch build­ing to the Kaldenkirchen Municipality.