


Lap­pen offers conifers and decid­u­ous trees, either grown in the open air or trained as top­i­aries, with trunk cir­cum­fer­ences of up to 140 cen­time­tres and over­all heights of up to 14 metres, the pro­fes­sion­al plant grow­er’s port­fo­lio also ranges from mighty bizarre pines and umbrel­la-shaped mul­ti-stemmed trees, through to trees with low branch­es that just invite to be climbed, and trees with mas­sive, stri­at­ed trunks. In addi­tion to the exten­sive open-air assort­ment of over 400,000 trees, there is also a year-round choice of exclu­sive con­tainer­ised plants.

The tra­di­tion­al firm main­tains a wide assort­ment of plants in coconut fibre root­balls or Air-Pots for gar­den­ers who like to make spon­ta­neous pur­chas­es. These trees can also be plant­ed out­side the dor­man­cy peri­od, for exam­ple on con­struc­tion sites that have been delayed or that are only acces­si­ble at cer­tain times in summer.

High-qual­i­ty com­mer­cial goods, which Lap­pen pro­cures from part­ner tree nurs­eries, pro­duc­ers and grow­ers, com­plete the range of plants on offer – these may include green­ery, bulbs for plant­i­ng out, hedg­ing ele­ments, ros­es, peren­ni­als, shrubs and Bambusoideae.

The strength of the Lap­pen assort­ment lies in the fact that the tree nurs­ery is con­tin­u­ous­ly expand­ing its broad range of products.

First­ly, in order to be able to iden­ti­fy new trends in hor­ti­cul­ture and sec­ond­ly, to pre­pare our­selves for adapt­ing to chang­ing cli­mat­ic con­di­tions. In the process, Lap­pen is not only react­ing to cli­mate change, but also to increas­ing­ly dense devel­op­ment in urban areas, and is adapt­ing its assort­ment  accordingly .

This is appar­ent, among oth­ers, in the area of decid­u­ous trees: Acer (maple), Alnus (alder), Betu­la (birch), Fagus (beech), Frax­i­nus Amer­i­cana (ash), Cory­lus (hazel), Juglans (wal­nut), Malus (crab apple), Pla­tanus (plane), Tilia (lime), Ulmus (elm), fruit and many more plants make up a rich selec­tion of dif­fer­ent vari­eties. This means that Lap­pen cus­tomers are not lim­it­ed to select­ing from a wide assort­ment of oak vari­eties alone, but also have a very com­pre­hen­sive choice when it comes to the Prunus (orna­men­tal cher­ry) and Malus (crab apple).

The Low­er Rhine-based tree nurs­ery also knows how to impress when it comes to conif­er­ous trees. The plant spe­cial­ist offers vari­eties that have high orna­men­tal val­ue for parks and green spaces. Their wide range of shapes and colours fur­ther­more offers excep­tion­al poten­tial for the most var­ied cli­mat­ic zones and they can be used in all types of projects: from demand­ing domes­tic gar­dens right through to urban mega-projects.


Would you like more infor­ma­tion about our prod­uct range? Then browse our online cat­a­logue here.

Deciduous shrubs

Deciduous shrubs

Decid­u­ous trees from Lap­pen, such as the lin­den tree, the vine maple, cop­per beech, oak or chest­nut offer the observ­er sen­sa­tion­al autumn colours.




Conifers from Lap­pen are attrac­tive thanks to their spe­cial shapes and wide assort­ment of colours. They are suit­able for a wide range of applications.


Broad-leaved Trees and Shrubs

Broad-leaved Trees and Shrubs

Broad-leaved trees from Lap­pen such as Tilia (lime), acer (maple), Fagus (beech), Quer­cus (oak) or Nys­sa (Tupe­lo tree) offer the observ­er sen­sa­tion­al autumn colours, while oth­ers are in attrac­tive bloom in spring.


Conifer topiaries

Conifer topiaries

Most types of conifer that can be trained into top­i­aries are dwarf vari­eties and small­er plants that can be sup­plied in con­tain­ers or with rootballs.



Tub plants

In addi­tion to the com­pre­hen­sive open-air assort­ment of over 400,000 trees, there is also an exclu­sive year-round choice of con­tainer­ised plants.


Climate trees

Climate Trees

Cli­mate change and the asso­ci­at­ed extreme weath­er con­di­tions pose new chal­lenges to gar­den­ing and land­scap­ing, as well as councils/communities, archi­tects and pri­vate individuals.


Nutrient plants for Bees

Nutrient plants for Bees

World­wide, the num­ber of exist­ing insect species is in decline. The rea­son for this regret­table trend and its ori­gin is being caused for var­i­ous rea­sons. But no mat­ter which fac­tors cause the insect killing in detail, it is vital to sus­tain­ably stop this ongo­ing development.
