Most softÂwood species are easy to shape. Not only dwarf variÂeties and smallÂer plants, but also some taller trees such as Picea (spruce), LarÂix (larch), ThuÂja (tree of life), Pinus (Scots Pine) and many othÂers can be formed into a variÂety of shapes.
LapÂpen does not only rely on clasÂsic forms such as spheres, columns or cones. With the ‘WindÂbraut’, the ‘Canyon Typ’ ‘or the’ GipfelÂstürmer ‘LapÂpen delivÂers unique pieces of a speÂcial kind.
In addiÂtion to the suitÂabilÂiÂty as a hedge plants conifÂerÂous plants offer a variÂety of othÂer uses. ThereÂfore they are impresÂsiveÂly used as a sinÂgle plant in parks or garÂdens. They decÂoÂrate JapanÂese garÂdens as a cushÂion shape and are suitÂable for an attracÂtive plantÂiÂng of narÂrow spaces.
The in-house selecÂtion GinkÂgo biloÂba ‘Dila’ (GinkÂgo tree), whose mothÂer plant stands in front of the nursÂery’s office, stands out, like the species itself, through its adaptÂabilÂiÂty. It does not require any speÂcial soil requireÂments and is thereÂfore flexÂiÂble in use.
GinkÂgo biloÂba ‘Dila’ (ginkÂgo tree) grows more horÂiÂzonÂtal than verÂtiÂcal, loose and broadÂly spreadÂing. GenÂera such as PseudotÂsuga (DouÂglas fir) preÂfer a mild cliÂmate and need only a litÂtle fresh, deep soil. Due to their averÂage nutriÂtionÂal requireÂments, they are robust and long-lastÂing. They thrive best on soils that are not too calÂcareÂous or rocky, but above all loamy-humus. As an everÂgreen, shadÂowy and fast-growÂing tree, PseudotÂsuga (DouÂglas fir) enjoys a great popÂuÂlarÂiÂty. SimÂiÂlarÂly, the decidÂuÂous MetaseÂquoia (Dawn redÂwood), it reachÂes stature heights of up to 35m and is conÂsidÂered a livÂing fosÂsil. It likes it best on nutriÂent- and humus-rich clay soil. Due to its frost resisÂtance, it defies temÂperÂaÂtures of more than ‑30 degrees C and is thereÂfore used in many places.
The beauÂty of the EuroÂpean LarÂix deciduÂda (L. europaea) (EuroÂpean larch) durÂing budÂding is espeÂcialÂly eye-catchÂing and the tree is optiÂmalÂly suitÂed as a graÂcious and less dense hedgÂing plant. The key durÂing plantÂiÂng is to ensure deep soil and propÂer care in order to be able to use the shaped conifers as a natÂurÂal priÂvaÂcy screen.