Conifers: from Abies to Tsuga

Most soft­wood species are easy to shape. Not only dwarf vari­eties and small­er plants, but also some taller trees such as Picea (spruce), Lar­ix (larch), Thu­ja (tree of life), Pinus (Scots Pine) and many oth­ers can be formed into a vari­ety of shapes.

Lap­pen does not only rely on clas­sic forms such as spheres, columns or cones. With the ‘Wind­braut’, the ‘Canyon Typ’ ‘or the’ Gipfel­stürmer ‘Lap­pen deliv­ers unique pieces of a spe­cial kind.

In addi­tion to the suit­abil­i­ty as a hedge plants conif­er­ous plants offer a vari­ety of oth­er uses. There­fore they are impres­sive­ly used as a sin­gle plant in parks or gar­dens. They dec­o­rate Japan­ese gar­dens as a cush­ion shape and are suit­able for an attrac­tive plant­i­ng of nar­row spaces.

The in-house selec­tion Gink­go bilo­ba ‘Dila’ (Gink­go tree), whose moth­er plant stands in front of the nurs­ery’s office, stands out, like the species itself, through its adapt­abil­i­ty. It does not require any spe­cial soil require­ments and is there­fore flex­i­ble in use.

Gink­go bilo­ba ‘Dila’ (gink­go tree) grows more hor­i­zon­tal than ver­ti­cal, loose and broad­ly spread­ing.  Gen­era such as Pseudot­suga (Dou­glas fir) pre­fer a mild cli­mate and need only a lit­tle fresh, deep soil.  Due to their aver­age nutri­tion­al require­ments, they are robust and long-last­ing.  They thrive best on soils that are not too cal­care­ous or rocky, but above all loamy-humus. As an ever­green, shad­owy and fast-grow­ing tree,  Pseudot­suga (Dou­glas fir)  enjoys a great pop­u­lar­i­ty.  Sim­i­lar­ly, the decid­u­ous Metase­quoia (Dawn red­wood), it reach­es stature heights of up to 35m and is con­sid­ered a liv­ing fos­sil. It likes it best on nutri­ent- and humus-rich clay soil. Due to its frost resis­tance, it defies tem­per­a­tures of more than ‑30 degrees C and is there­fore used in many places.

The beau­ty of the Euro­pean Lar­ix decidu­da (L. europaea) (Euro­pean larch) dur­ing bud­ding is espe­cial­ly eye-catch­ing and the tree is opti­mal­ly suit­ed as a gra­cious and less dense hedg­ing plant. The key dur­ing plant­i­ng is to ensure deep soil and prop­er care in order to be able to use the shaped conifers as a nat­ur­al pri­va­cy screen.