Nutrient plants for Bees

World­wide the num­ber of exist­ing insect species is in decline. The rea­son for this regret­table trend and its ori­gin is being caused for var­i­ous rea­sons, no mat­ter which fac­tors cause the insect killing in detail, it is essen­tial for sur­vival to stop this ongo­ing development.

Pollen and nec­tar are the liveli­hoods of insects and oth­er pol­li­na­tors but not all plants are of equal val­ue as food sources, it would there­fore be desir­able to increase plant­i­ng of the so-called “Nutri­ent plants for Bees” where pos­si­ble as they are the most ben­e­fi­cial for the insect pop­u­la­tion due to their high pollen and nec­tar content.

In our exten­sive assort­ment we have many such plants avail­able. In par­tic­u­lar the pop­u­lar exam­ples such as Cas­tanea sati­va (Sweet Chest­nut), Prunus avi­um (Bird Cher­ry), Robinia pseudoa­ca­cia (Locust) and Sopho­ra japon­i­ca (Japan­ese Pago­da Tree).

Among the avenue trees, espe­cial­ly our “clas­sic” Tilia europaea ‘Pal­l­i­da’ Typ Lap­pen also known as a bee food tree, as a late bloomer, it pro­vides for a com­pre­hen­sive food sup­ply for insects from June to August.

Cer­tain­ly this list can only serve as an exam­ple. With us you will find many oth­er trees that meet both your project plan­ning needs while also serv­ing the eco­log­i­cal aspect.