The testimonials speak for themselves

The trees from Net­te­tal can be expe­ri­enced in a wide vari­ety of colours and shapes on streets and avenues not only in Ger­many, but through­out the whole of Europe. For exam­ple, 850 trees and top­i­aries round off the mag­nif­i­cent appear­ance of the new park at the Château de Cham­bord in France. The orangery at the Palace of Ver­sailles has been adorned with hedges and yew cones from the Low­er Rhine region which now line the famous “Le Bassin de Latone” fountains.

Lap­pen has been sup­ply­ing trees to Paris for many years for plant­i­ng in the French cap­i­tal. In the mod­ern “La Défense” high-rise dis­trict of Paris, trees from Lap­pen cre­ate a green oasis in the midst of the urban archi­tec­ture. Along France’s grand avenue, the Champs-Elysées in Paris, trees from the Low­er Rhine region stretch for a dis­tance of almost 2 km.

The round-crowned ‘Prunus avi­um Ple­na’ graces the way to the Lon­don Eye in Great Britain. At the famous St. Paul’s Cathe­dral, trees from Net­te­tal pro­vide shade and invite peo­ple to linger in the coun­try’s cap­i­tal city. Lap­pen trees radi­ate in vibrant shades of green at Lon­don’s Jubilee Gar­den too.

For the “My Street” project, 5,000 trees were sup­plied to Moscow and the park at the Krasnodar Sta­di­um in Rus­sia is also adorned with plants from the Lap­pen tree nurs­ery. The cen­tral avenue of limes in the Alexan­der Gar­dens, adja­cent to the Krem­lin, comes alive with radi­ant colours thanks to the Tilia europaea ‘Pal­l­i­da Typ Lappen’.Plants from the Lap­pen tree nurs­ery also ensure a nat­ur­al and relaxed atmos­phere at Moscow’s Gorky Park.

In Swe­den, Chi­na, Spain, Switzer­land and Turkey, projects are also being realised with the assis­tance of the Lap­pen tree nursery.