Local authorÂiÂties in Great Britain have been procurÂing their plants and trees from The LapÂpen tree nursÂery in the LowÂer Rhine region for many years. The reaÂsons for this are mulÂtiÂfacÂeted: firstÂly, LapÂpen supÂports local authorÂiÂty repÂreÂsenÂtaÂtives durÂing the pubÂlic proÂcureÂment process. For examÂple, this encomÂpassÂes qualÂiÂty requireÂments, descripÂtions in the nationÂal lanÂguage, plant sizes and comÂpliÂance with the FLL qualÂiÂty regÂuÂlaÂtions. SecÂondÂly, the tree nursÂery mainÂtains a wide assortÂment of high-qualÂiÂty plants in large numÂbers, espeÂcialÂly to meet the demands of local authorÂiÂties. For linÂing avenues, in parÂticÂuÂlar, the trees from LapÂpen are charÂacÂterÂized by their homoÂgeÂneous batch sizes which ensure the creÂation of a uniÂformed and well-mainÂtained appearÂance. This is apparÂent, for instance, in the high-qualÂiÂty avenue trees that line the way to the LonÂdon Eye in the EngÂlish metropolis.
There is a growÂing demand from local authorÂiÂties for small trees and trees with narÂrow crowns that are tolÂerÂant to dry conÂdiÂtions. This is because the locaÂtionÂal facÂtors have changed sigÂnifÂiÂcantÂly, not only as a result of cliÂmate change, but also because of the increasÂingÂly dense levÂel of develÂopÂment in cities. With deep, easy-care green, LapÂpen offers exactÂly the right choice for vibrant inner cities and magÂnifÂiÂcent avenues.
Urban horÂtiÂculÂturÂal comÂpaÂnies and local authorÂiÂties are able to select their trees on-site at the tree nursÂery. LapÂpen also offers local authorÂiÂties culÂtiÂvaÂtion conÂtracts for speÂcial requireÂments. The serÂvice-oriÂentÂed tree nursÂery also proÂvides addiÂtionÂal serÂvices such as white paintÂing, reed mats and pruning.
Our target groups
Gardening and landscaping
In the garÂdenÂing and landÂscapÂing secÂtor the name LapÂpen is synÂonyÂmous with reliÂaÂbilÂiÂty and a diverse assortÂment of plants.
Local authorities
Local authorÂiÂties have been procurÂing their plants and trees from the LapÂpen tree nursÂery in the LowÂer Rhine region for over 100 years.