Local authorities

Local authorities

Local author­i­ties in Great Britain have been procur­ing their plants and trees from The Lap­pen tree nurs­ery in the Low­er Rhine region for many years. The rea­sons for this are mul­ti­fac­eted: first­ly, Lap­pen sup­ports local author­i­ty rep­re­sen­ta­tives dur­ing the pub­lic pro­cure­ment process. For exam­ple, this encom­pass­es qual­i­ty require­ments, descrip­tions in the nation­al lan­guage, plant sizes and com­pli­ance with the FLL qual­i­ty reg­u­la­tions. Sec­ond­ly, the tree nurs­ery main­tains a wide assort­ment of high-qual­i­ty plants in large num­bers, espe­cial­ly to meet the demands of local author­i­ties. For lin­ing avenues, in par­tic­u­lar, the trees from Lap­pen are char­ac­ter­ized by their homo­ge­neous batch sizes which ensure the cre­ation of a uni­formed and well-main­tained appear­ance. This is appar­ent, for instance, in the high-qual­i­ty avenue trees that line the way to the Lon­don Eye in the Eng­lish metropolis.
There is a grow­ing demand from local author­i­ties for small trees and trees with nar­row crowns that are tol­er­ant to dry con­di­tions. This is because the loca­tion­al fac­tors have changed sig­nif­i­cant­ly, not only as a result of cli­mate change, but also because of the increas­ing­ly dense lev­el of devel­op­ment in cities. With deep, easy-care green, Lap­pen offers exact­ly the right choice for vibrant inner cities and mag­nif­i­cent avenues.

Urban hor­ti­cul­tur­al com­pa­nies and local author­i­ties are able to select their trees on-site at the tree nurs­ery. Lap­pen also offers local author­i­ties cul­ti­va­tion con­tracts for spe­cial require­ments. The ser­vice-ori­ent­ed tree nurs­ery also pro­vides addi­tion­al ser­vices such as white paint­ing, reed mats and pruning.

Our target groups

Landscape architects

The Lap­pen tree nurs­ery offers plan­ners and archi­tects a com­pre­hen­sive lev­el of support.

Gardening and landscaping

In the gar­den­ing and land­scap­ing sec­tor the name Lap­pen is syn­ony­mous with reli­a­bil­i­ty and a diverse assort­ment of plants.

Local authorities

Local author­i­ties have been procur­ing their plants and trees from the Lap­pen tree nurs­ery in the Low­er Rhine region for over 100 years.