In the garÂdenÂing and landÂscapÂing secÂtor the name LapÂpen is synÂonyÂmous with reliÂaÂbilÂiÂty and a diverse assortÂment of plants. The tree nursÂery rounds off its garÂdenÂing and landÂscapÂing prodÂuct range with perenÂniÂals, shrubs and hedgÂing plants. LapÂpen offers all serÂvices, includÂing conÂsultÂing, from the planÂning stage right through to on-site realÂiÂsaÂtion and even when plantÂiÂng has been completed.
The CenÂtral Park in ManÂchesÂter and the green spaces at the WestÂminÂster Bridge Hotel in LonÂdon are all adorned with trees from LapÂpen Nurseries.
Order proÂcessÂing is freÂquentÂly simÂpler and more cost-effecÂtive when landÂscape garÂdenÂers obtain their orders from a sinÂgle source. In most casÂes this offers organÂiÂsaÂtionÂal benÂeÂfits, for instance in terms of logisÂtics. In this respect, LapÂpen offers garÂdenÂing and landÂscapÂing firms a detailed cost analyÂsis and soluÂtions for pracÂtiÂcalÂly every logisÂtiÂcal challenge.
Our target groups
Gardening and landscaping
In the garÂdenÂing and landÂscapÂing secÂtor the name LapÂpen is synÂonyÂmous with reliÂaÂbilÂiÂty and a diverse assortÂment of plants.
Local authorities
Local authorÂiÂties have been procurÂing their plants and trees from the LapÂpen tree nursÂery in the LowÂer Rhine region for over 100 years.