The Lap­pen Tree Nurs­ery oper­ates under a new name

Trees are our passion! 

Trees are our passion! 

Trees are our passion! 

Trees are our passion! 

The Lap­pen tree nurs­ery was estab­lished in the Low­er Rhine region in 1894 and today num­bers among the top 5 tree nurs­eries in Europe. Whether open green spaces, greened build­ings in urban areas, botan­i­cal gar­dens, pri­vate gar­dens or mag­nif­i­cent avenues in Ger­many, France, Switzer­land, Great Britain, Rus­sia, Ukraine or the Benelux coun­tries – the trees that pro­vide air, shade and tran­quil­li­ty for peo­ple often orig­i­nate from Lappen.

On 650 hectares of open land some 130 employ­ees cul­ti­vate around 300,000 trees. Fur­ther­more, hedges, shrubs, green­ery and ros­es are also offered. Cus­tomers are there­fore able to choose from up to 9,000 dif­fer­ent high-qual­i­ty plants: from avenue trees to soli­tary trees, from shrubs and hand-formed plants to small bush­es or large impos­ing trees.

Reg­u­lar selec­tion, trans­plant­i­ng and prun­ing ensures that the shrubs are prop­er­ly pre­pared for grow­ing quick­ly and sus­tain­ably after trans­plant­i­ng them to their new location.

The Lap­pen tree nurs­ery offers pub­lic sec­tor cus­tomers, land­scape archi­tects, gar­den­ing and land­scap­ing firms and ambi­tious pri­vate indi­vid­u­als a wide assort­ment of high-qual­i­ty plants in tra­di­tion­al or more mod­ern shapes – either trained to strict geo­met­ri­cal forms or indi­vid­u­al­ly grown into  a strik­ing habi­tus. The tree nurs­ery rounds off its assort­ment of plants with com­mer­cial goods that have been sub­ject­ed to strict qual­i­ty con­trols. The well-known strengths of Lap­pen play a sig­nif­i­cant role here: new trends and vari­eties, the logis­tics con­cept, the soil and the cli­mate of the Low­er Rhine region – as well as the resilience of the trees themselves.

hectares of open space




Our advice & knowledge for …

Landscape architects

The Lap­pen tree nurs­ery offers plan­ners and archi­tects a com­pre­hen­sive lev­el of support.

Gardening and landscaping

In the gar­den­ing and land­scap­ing sec­tor the name Lap­pen is syn­ony­mous with reli­a­bil­i­ty and a diverse assort­ment of plants.

Local authorities

Local author­i­ties have been procur­ing their plants and trees from the Lap­pen tree nurs­ery in the Low­er Rhine region for over 100 years.

Our assortment

Lap­pen offers conifers and decid­u­ous trees, either grown in the open air or trained as top­i­aries, with trunk cir­cum­fer­ences of up to 140 cen­time­tres and over­all heights of up to 14 metres, the pro­fes­sion­al plant grow­er’s port­fo­lio also ranges from mighty bizarre pines and umbrel­la-shaped mul­ti-stemmed trees, through to trees with low branch­es that just invite to be climbed, and trees with mas­sive, stri­at­ed trunks. In addi­tion to the exten­sive open-air assort­ment of over 300,000 trees, there is also a year-round choice of exclu­sive con­tainer­ised plants.

Deciduous shrubs

Deciduous shrubs

Decid­u­ous trees from Lap­pen, such as the lin­den tree, the vine maple, cop­per beech, oak or chest­nut offer the observ­er sen­sa­tion­al autumn colours.




Conifers from Lap­pen are attrac­tive thanks to their spe­cial shapes and wide assort­ment of colours. They are suit­able for a wide range of applications.


Broad-leaved Trees and Shrubs

Broad-leaved Trees and Shrubs

Broad-leaved trees from Lap­pen such as Tilia (lime), acer (maple), Fagus (beech), Quer­cus (oak) or Nys­sa (Tupe­lo tree) offer the observ­er sen­sa­tion­al autumn colours, while oth­ers are in attrac­tive bloom in spring.


Conifer topiaries

Conifer topiaries

Most types of conifer that can be trained into top­i­aries are dwarf vari­eties and small­er plants that can be sup­plied in con­tain­ers or with rootballs.



Tub plants

In addi­tion to the com­pre­hen­sive open-air assort­ment of over 400,000 trees, there is also an exclu­sive year-round choice of con­tainer­ised plants.


Climate trees

Climate Trees

Cli­mate change and the asso­ci­at­ed extreme weath­er con­di­tions pose new chal­lenges to gar­den­ing and land­scap­ing, as well as councils/communities, archi­tects and pri­vate individuals.


Nutrient plants for Bees

Nutrient plants for Bees

World­wide, the num­ber of exist­ing insect species is in decline. The rea­son for this regret­table trend and its ori­gin is being caused for var­i­ous rea­sons. But no mat­ter which fac­tors cause the insect killing in detail, it is vital to sus­tain­ably stop this ongo­ing development.
