The LapÂpen tree nursÂery was estabÂlished in the LowÂer Rhine region in 1894 and today numÂbers among the top 5 tree nursÂeries in Europe. Whether open green spaces, greened buildÂings in urban areas, botanÂiÂcal garÂdens, priÂvate garÂdens or magÂnifÂiÂcent avenues in GerÂmany, France, SwitzerÂland, Great Britain, RusÂsia, Ukraine or the Benelux counÂtries – the trees that proÂvide air, shade and tranÂquilÂliÂty for peoÂple often origÂiÂnate from Lappen.
On 650 hectares of open land some 130 employÂees culÂtiÂvate around 300,000 trees. FurÂtherÂmore, hedges, shrubs, greenÂery and rosÂes are also offered. CusÂtomers are thereÂfore able to choose from up to 9,000 difÂferÂent high-qualÂiÂty plants: from avenue trees to soliÂtary trees, from shrubs and hand-formed plants to small bushÂes or large imposÂing trees.
RegÂuÂlar selecÂtion, transÂplantÂiÂng and prunÂing ensures that the shrubs are propÂerÂly preÂpared for growÂing quickÂly and susÂtainÂably after transÂplantÂiÂng them to their new location.
The LapÂpen tree nursÂery offers pubÂlic secÂtor cusÂtomers, landÂscape archiÂtects, garÂdenÂing and landÂscapÂing firms and ambiÂtious priÂvate indiÂvidÂuÂals a wide assortÂment of high-qualÂiÂty plants in traÂdiÂtionÂal or more modÂern shapes – either trained to strict geoÂmetÂriÂcal forms or indiÂvidÂuÂalÂly grown into a strikÂing habiÂtus. The tree nursÂery rounds off its assortÂment of plants with comÂmerÂcial goods that have been subÂjectÂed to strict qualÂiÂty conÂtrols. The well-known strengths of LapÂpen play a sigÂnifÂiÂcant role here: new trends and variÂeties, the logisÂtics conÂcept, the soil and the cliÂmate of the LowÂer Rhine region – as well as the resilience of the trees themselves.
hectares of open space
Our advice & knowledge for …
Gardening and landscaping
In the garÂdenÂing and landÂscapÂing secÂtor the name LapÂpen is synÂonyÂmous with reliÂaÂbilÂiÂty and a diverse assortÂment of plants.
Local authorities
Local authorÂiÂties have been procurÂing their plants and trees from the LapÂpen tree nursÂery in the LowÂer Rhine region for over 100 years.
Our assortment
LapÂpen offers conifers and decidÂuÂous trees, either grown in the open air or trained as topÂiÂaries, with trunk cirÂcumÂferÂences of up to 140 cenÂtimeÂtres and overÂall heights of up to 14 metres, the proÂfesÂsionÂal plant growÂer’s portÂfoÂlio also ranges from mighty bizarre pines and umbrelÂla-shaped mulÂti-stemmed trees, through to trees with low branchÂes that just invite to be climbed, and trees with masÂsive, striÂatÂed trunks. In addiÂtion to the extenÂsive open-air assortÂment of over 300,000 trees, there is also a year-round choice of excluÂsive conÂtainerÂised plants.
- DecidÂuÂous shrubs
- Conifers
- Broad-leaved Trees and Shrubs
- Conifer topÂiÂaries
- Tub plants
- CliÂmate Trees
- NutriÂent plants for Bees
Deciduous shrubs
DecidÂuÂous trees from LapÂpen, such as the linÂden tree, the vine maple, copÂper beech, oak or chestÂnut offer the observÂer senÂsaÂtionÂal autumn colours.
Conifers from LapÂpen are attracÂtive thanks to their speÂcial shapes and wide assortÂment of colours. They are suitÂable for a wide range of applications.
Broad-leaved Trees and Shrubs
Broad-leaved trees from LapÂpen such as Tilia (lime), acer (maple), Fagus (beech), QuerÂcus (oak) or NysÂsa (TupeÂlo tree) offer the observÂer senÂsaÂtionÂal autumn colours, while othÂers are in attracÂtive bloom in spring.
Conifer topiaries
Most types of conifer that can be trained into topÂiÂaries are dwarf variÂeties and smallÂer plants that can be supÂplied in conÂtainÂers or with rootballs.
Tub plants
In addiÂtion to the comÂpreÂhenÂsive open-air assortÂment of over 400,000 trees, there is also an excluÂsive year-round choice of conÂtainerÂised plants.
Climate Trees
CliÂmate change and the assoÂciÂatÂed extreme weathÂer conÂdiÂtions pose new chalÂlenges to garÂdenÂing and landÂscapÂing, as well as councils/communities, archiÂtects and priÂvate individuals.
MoreNutrient plants for Bees
WorldÂwide, the numÂber of existÂing insect species is in decline. The reaÂson for this regretÂtable trend and its oriÂgin is being caused for varÂiÂous reaÂsons. But no matÂter which facÂtors cause the insect killing in detail, it is vital to susÂtainÂably stop this ongoÂing development.