General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Delivery (Ts & Cs)
§1 General – scope of application, definition of terms
- These terms and conÂdiÂtions of sale and delivÂery form part of all delivÂery conÂtracts, agreeÂments and quoÂtaÂtions. They shall be deemed to be acceptÂed upon placeÂment of an order or accepÂtance of delivÂery at the latest.
- ConÂsumers withÂin the meanÂing of these GenÂerÂal Terms and ConÂdiÂtions of Sale and DelivÂery are natÂurÂal perÂsons who have conÂcludÂed a legal transÂacÂtion for purÂposÂes that do not preÂdomÂiÂnantÂly conÂcern their comÂmerÂcial or self-employed occuÂpaÂtionÂal activÂiÂty. BusiÂness enterÂprisÂes withÂin the meanÂing of these GenÂerÂal Terms and ConÂdiÂtions of Sale and DelivÂery are natÂurÂal perÂsons or legal entiÂties that, upon conÂcluÂsion of a legal transÂacÂtion, are perÂformÂing a comÂmerÂcial or self-employed occuÂpaÂtionÂal activÂiÂty. CusÂtomers withÂin the meanÂing of these GenÂerÂal Terms and ConÂdiÂtions of Sale and DelivÂery can be both conÂsumers and busiÂness enterprises.
- We explicÂitÂly reject terms and conÂdiÂtions of purÂchase or order and othÂer genÂerÂal terms and conÂdiÂtions of busiÂness that deviÂate from our GenÂerÂal Terms and ConÂdiÂtions of Sale and DelivÂery, conÂtraÂdict them or supÂpleÂment them. Even if we acknowlÂedge such deviÂatÂing terms and conÂdiÂtions they shall not become an inteÂgral part of the conÂtract unless we explicÂitÂly conÂsent to their validÂiÂty in writing.
§2 Conclusion of the contract, reservation in the event of not receiving goods ourselves
- All quoÂtaÂtions issued by us shall be subÂject to change.
- Upon orderÂing goods the cusÂtomer bindÂingÂly declares that he wishÂes to purÂchase such goods.
- The conÂtract shall only be conÂcludÂed once we accept the cusÂtomer’s order in writÂten form (e.g. by letÂter, fax or e‑mail) or delivÂer the goods to the customer.
- Should we not have declared accepÂtance of the cusÂtomer’s order withÂin 14 days or perÂformed delivÂery, the cusÂtomer shall not be bound to his order.
- SubÂsidiary agreeÂments shall only become effecÂtive if they are conÂfirmed in writÂten form.
- Should we not receive delivÂerÂies ourÂselves, despite havÂing placed approÂpriÂate idenÂtiÂcal orders with reliÂable supÂpliÂers, we shall be released from our obligÂaÂtion to perÂform and shall be entiÂtled to withÂdraw from the conÂtract. We shall be obligÂed to immeÂdiÂateÂly notiÂfy the orderÂing parÂty of the non-availÂabilÂiÂty of the goods or serÂvices and underÂtake to promptÂly reimÂburse the orderÂing parÂty for all serÂvices already proÂvidÂed in return.
§3 Prices and terms of payment
- All prices are quotÂed in euro. Unless othÂerÂwise statÂed prices are quotÂed ex point of sale and exclude packÂagÂing and transportation.
- ForÂeign curÂrenÂcies shall be conÂvertÂed into euro at the GerÂman BunÂdesÂbank’s offiÂcial sellÂing rate for the respecÂtive curÂrenÂcy on the day of issue of the invoice, unless the invoice has been issued in the respecÂtive forÂeign currency.
- We reserve the right to request cash on delivÂery for goods that are postÂed upon cusÂtomer request, proÂvidÂed the cusÂtomer is a busiÂness enterÂprise withÂin the meanÂing of these Ts&Cs.
- PayÂment shall become due upon receipt of the goods. PayÂment shall be made at the time of purÂchase in the retail outlet.
- PayÂment default shall occur folÂlowÂing a periÂod of 20 days after receipt of the invoice and after receipt of the goods. The cusÂtomer shall not be in arrears if the goods and/or serÂvices are not delivered/provided as a result of a cirÂcumÂstance for which the cusÂtomer is not responsible.
§4 Prohibition of set-off, limitation of the right of retention, right to refuse performance
- The cusÂtomer shall only be entiÂtled to rights of set-off if his counÂterÂclaims are legalÂly estabÂlished, due for judgeÂment, unconÂtestÂed or recogÂnised by us.
- The cusÂtomer shall only be entiÂtled to exerÂcise his right of retenÂtion where his counÂterÂclaim is based on the same conÂtracÂtuÂal relationship.
- If, folÂlowÂing conÂcluÂsion of the conÂtract with the cusÂtomer, is should become apparÂent that our claim to payÂment is at risk due to the cusÂtomer’s inabilÂiÂty to pay, we shall be entiÂtled to refuse to deliver/perform the goods/service incumÂbent upon us. This right to refuse perÂforÂmance shall be inapÂplicÂaÂble if the cusÂtomer makes the payÂment or has proÂvidÂed comÂmenÂsuÂrate secuÂriÂty. We shall be entiÂtled to set an approÂpriÂate periÂod withÂin which the cusÂtomer shall make payÂment or proÂvide secuÂriÂty. Should this periÂod expire withÂout payÂment being made, we shall be entiÂtled to withÂdraw from the contract.
§5 Transfer of risk, transport, shipping and packaging
- If the cusÂtomer is a busiÂness enterÂprise, the risk of acciÂdenÂtal loss and acciÂdenÂtal deteÂriÂoÂraÂtion of the goods shall pass to the cusÂtomer at the time the goods are handÂed over and, for mail orders, upon delivÂery of the goods to the freight forÂwarder, the carÂriÂer, or othÂer perÂsons or estabÂlishÂments appointÂed to perÂform the delivery.
- If the cusÂtomer is a conÂsumer, the risk of acciÂdenÂtal loss and acciÂdenÂtal deteÂriÂoÂraÂtion of the sold goods shall only pass to the cusÂtomer at the time the goods are handÂed over or, in the case of mail orders, when the goods are delivered.
- If the cusÂtomer delays accepÂtance of the goods they shall still be deemed to have been handÂed over.
- TransÂport insurÂance covÂer will only be takÂen out upon the express wish of and at the expense of the customer.
- Non-returnÂable packÂagÂing will be invoiced at cost price. Reusable packÂagÂing (e.g. stackÂing mesh palÂlets, tree nursÂery palÂlets) remain our propÂerÂty and must be returned at the cusÂtomers’ expense. CusÂtomers who are conÂsumers will be informed of any addiÂtionÂal costs for this before the conÂtract is concluded.
- DelivÂerÂies can only be made via freely accesÂsiÂble, hard-surÂfaced roads and unloadÂing is not included.
§6 Delivery obligations, temporary and permanent obstacles to performance/delivery
- In the event of weathÂer catÂaÂstroÂphes such as drought, frost or hail or othÂer unforeÂseeÂable cirÂcumÂstances for which we are not responÂsiÂble, such as terÂror attacks, epiÂdemics, strikes, lockÂouts, war or war-like events, the delivÂery periÂod shall be extendÂed by the duraÂtion of such events. Strikes and lockÂouts at our own comÂpaÂny shall not be covÂered by the above clause. Should the obstaÂcle to delivery/service proÂviÂsion be not just a temÂpoÂrary event, we shall be released from our supÂply obligÂaÂtion in the event that:
- delivÂery is renÂdered imposÂsiÂble by the statÂed cirÂcumÂstances (cf. § 275 par. 1 BGB (GerÂman CivÂil Code)).
- the serÂvice or delivÂery requires of us a levÂel of expenÂdiÂture which, takÂing into conÂsidÂerÂaÂtion the obligÂaÂtions incumÂbent upon us and the prinÂciÂple of good faith, is manÂiÂfestÂly disÂproÂporÂtionÂate to the cusÂtomer’s interÂest in fulÂfilÂment. When deterÂminÂing what may reaÂsonÂably be required of us, the quesÂtion of whether we are responÂsiÂble for the obstaÂcle to delivery/service proÂviÂsion must also be takÂen into consideration.
- we are to deliver/perform the serÂvice ourÂselves and, after weighÂing up the obstaÂcle to delivery/service proÂviÂsion with the cusÂtomer’s interÂest in fulÂfilÂment, this canÂnot reaÂsonÂably be required of us.
- DelivÂery dates shall only be bindÂing upon us if they are conÂfirmed in writÂten form.
- We expressÂly reserve the right to make part deliveries.
$7 Dimensions and samples
- All dimenÂsions are approxÂiÂmate. DeviÂaÂtions in the order of ±10% shall be perÂmitÂted. For plants, the qualÂiÂty regÂuÂlaÂtions for plants from tree nursÂeries issued by the ForschungsÂgeÂsellschaft LandÂschaftÂsenÂtwickÂlung LandÂschaftsÂbau e.V. (FLL) (LandÂscape DevelÂopÂment and LandÂscape ConÂstrucÂtion Research SociÂety), as enclosed with these Ts&Cs, shall apply.
- SamÂples are indicaÂtive of averÂage qualÂiÂty only. Not all plants will exhibÂit exactÂly the same qualÂiÂties as the sample.
§8 Retention of title
- For conÂtracts with conÂsumers, we retain the title to the goods until comÂplete payÂment of the purÂchase price has been received. For conÂtracts with busiÂness enterÂprisÂes, we retain the title to the goods until all accounts receivÂable from an on-going busiÂness relaÂtionÂship, includÂing ancilÂlary claims, have been setÂtled. The retenÂtion of title shall also remain effecÂtive if indiÂvidÂual claims are includÂed in an open account and the balÂance has been deterÂmined and acknowledged.
- Our ownÂerÂship of the goods subÂject to retenÂtion of title shall not be lost if busiÂness enterÂprisÂes actÂing as cusÂtomers set down or plant the delivÂered plants on their own or on a third party’s propÂerÂty until such time that the goods are resold. The goods subÂject to retenÂtion of title shall be stored, set down, or plantÂed sepÂaÂrateÂly from othÂer plants and shall be marked such that it is clear that they origÂiÂnate from us. The cusÂtomer underÂtakes to treat the goods subÂject to retenÂtion of title with care and free of charge. This includes corÂrect storÂage, plantÂiÂng, ferÂtilÂiÂsaÂtion, and irriÂgaÂtion in particular.
- The cusÂtomer underÂtakes to immeÂdiÂateÂly inform us should a third parÂty gain access to the goods, for instance in the event of seizure, of any damÂage to the goods or in the event the goods are destroyed, givÂing the name and address of the attachÂing credÂiÂtor. The cusÂtomer shall notiÂfy us immeÂdiÂateÂly of a change in ownÂerÂship of the goods or a change of address.
- We shall be entiÂtled to withÂdraw from the conÂtract and demand the return of the goods if the cusÂtomer is in breach of conÂtract, in parÂticÂuÂlar in the event of payÂment default or should there be breach of an obligÂaÂtion as set forth in clausÂes 2 and 3 of this provision.
- The cusÂtomer shall be entiÂtled to re-sell the goods supÂplied by us in the norÂmal course of busiÂness. It is not perÂmitÂted to make othÂer disÂpoÂsiÂtions, in parÂticÂuÂlar pledges, nor offer the goods as colÂlatÂerÂal. If the goods subÂject to retenÂtion of title are not paid for immeÂdiÂateÂly by third parÂty buyÂers when resold, the cusÂtomer underÂtakes to resell under retenÂtion of title only. AuthoÂriÂsaÂtion to resell the goods subÂject to retenÂtion of title shall immeÂdiÂateÂly become invalid if the cusÂtomer susÂpends payÂment or defaults in payÂment to us.
- The cusÂtomer hereÂwith assigns to us all claims includÂing secuÂriÂties and ancilÂlary rights that accrue to it against the end cusÂtomer or third parÂties with or in conÂnecÂtion with the resale of goods subÂject to retenÂtion of title. We accept such assignÂment. The cusÂtomer may not make any agreeÂment with its buyÂers which in any way exclude or negÂaÂtiveÂly affect our rights or invalÂiÂdate an advance assignÂment of the claim. In the event the goods subÂject to retenÂtion of title are sold togethÂer with othÂer items, the claim against the third-parÂty buyÂer, amountÂing to the delivÂery price agreed upon between us and the cusÂtomer, shall be deemed to be assigned should it be imposÂsiÂble to deterÂmine the amounts for the indiÂvidÂual goods from the invoice.
- The cusÂtomer shall be entiÂtled to colÂlect the claims assigned to us until we revoke that entiÂtleÂment, which we may do at any time. Upon request by us, the cusÂtomer underÂtakes to proÂvide us with the inforÂmaÂtion and docÂuÂments necÂesÂsary for colÂlectÂing the assigned claims and – where we do not do this ourÂselves – to immeÂdiÂateÂly notiÂfy its cusÂtomers of the assignÂment to us.
- If the cusÂtomer has already assigned claims from the resale of the goods subÂject to retenÂtion of title, in parÂticÂuÂlar as a result of non-recourse or recourse facÂtorÂing, or has made othÂer agreeÂments on the basis of which our curÂrent or future liens could be negÂaÂtiveÂly affectÂed in accorÂdance with this secÂtion, he shall inform us thereÂof immeÂdiÂateÂly. In the case of recourse facÂtorÂing, we shall be entiÂtled to withÂdraw from the conÂtract and request that goods already delivÂered be returned; the same shall also apply in the case of non-recourse facÂtorÂing if, in accorÂdance with the conÂtract with the facÂtorÂing comÂpaÂny, the cusÂtomer canÂnot freely conÂtrol the purÂchase price of the claim.
- If the valÂue of existÂing secuÂriÂties – purÂsuant to the above proÂviÂsions – proÂvidÂed to us exceeds our secured claims by more than 10% overÂall, we shall, at the request of the cusÂtomer and at our disÂcreÂtion, be obligÂatÂed to release the securities.
- The goods subÂject to retenÂtion of title may be processed, mixed and/or comÂbined in accorÂdance with § 950 BGB (GerÂman CivÂil Code) but withÂout any obligÂaÂtion on our part derivÂing thereÂfrom. If the goods subÂject to retenÂtion of title are processed, mixed or insepÂaÂraÂbly comÂbined with othÂer items not belongÂing to us, we shall then acquire co-ownÂerÂship of the new item in proÂporÂtion to the ratio of the invoice valÂue of our goods to the invoice valÂue of the othÂer processed or comÂbined items. If our goods are comÂbined and insepÂaÂraÂbly mixed or comÂbined with othÂer movÂable items to form a uniÂfied item that is to be conÂsidÂered as the main item, the cusÂtomer shall already at this time assign co-ownÂerÂship to us in proÂporÂtion to the ratio of co-ownÂerÂship. The cusÂtomer shall store the fulÂly-owned or jointÂly-owned propÂerÂty for us free of charge. The ensuÂing rights of co-ownÂerÂship shall be conÂsidÂered to be goods subÂject to retenÂtion of title. At our request, the cusÂtomer underÂtakes all times to proÂvide us with all of the inforÂmaÂtion required to purÂsue our rights of ownÂerÂship or of co-ownership.
§9 Warranties
No warÂranÂty of any type is givÂen. Should the cusÂtomer expressÂly demand a warÂranÂty for plant growth or a guarÂanÂtee of variÂetal idenÂtiÂty, this will require a speÂcial agreeÂment to be reached between us and the cusÂtomer which regÂuÂlates furÂther details.
§10 Material defect warranty, installation and removal costs, obligation to notify obvious defects,
limÂiÂtaÂtion periods
- If the buyÂer is a busiÂness enterÂprise, we shall, at our own disÂcreÂtion, be entiÂtled to subÂseÂquent fulÂfilÂment, either to recÂtiÂfy the defect or make a replaceÂment delivÂery (delivÂery of non-defecÂtive goods).
- If the buyÂer is a conÂsumer, then he shall, in the event of a defect, be entiÂtled to decide whether subÂseÂquent fulÂfilÂment should take the form of recÂtiÂfyÂing the defect or a replaceÂment delivÂery. We are, howÂevÂer, entiÂtled to reject the choÂsen form of subÂseÂquent fulÂfilÂment, if it is only posÂsiÂble at disÂproÂporÂtionÂateÂly high cost and if the alterÂnaÂtive method of subÂseÂquent fulÂfilÂment entails no subÂstanÂtial disÂadÂvanÂtages for the consumer.
- If the subÂseÂquent fulÂfilÂment fails, the cusÂtomer may, at his disÂcreÂtion, choose to reduce the fee or withÂdraw from the conÂtract. In the event of a minor infringeÂment of an obligÂaÂtion, parÂticÂuÂlarÂly for marÂginÂal defects, the cusÂtomer shall not be entiÂtled to withÂdraw from the contract.
- The cusÂtomer shall furÂtherÂmore be entiÂtled to withÂdraw from the conÂtract in the folÂlowÂing cases:
- if we refuse the type of supÂpleÂmenÂtary perÂforÂmance on the grounds of disÂproÂporÂtionÂateÂly high costs,
- if supÂpleÂmenÂtary perÂforÂmance by us is unreaÂsonÂable for the customer,
- if we have not perÂformed a serÂvice by a date stipÂuÂlatÂed in the conÂtract or withÂin a periÂod stipÂuÂlatÂed in the conÂtract (so-called fixed delivÂery date), even though the cusÂtomer had informed us before conÂcluÂsion of the conÂtract or we had become aware through cirÂcumÂstances othÂer than those assoÂciÂatÂed with conÂcludÂing the conÂtract, that timeÂly perÂforÂmance or perÂforÂmance withÂin the deadÂline is essenÂtial for the customer,
- if we have seriÂousÂly and finalÂly refused supÂpleÂmenÂtary performance,
- if speÂcial cirÂcumÂstances exist surÂroundÂing a serÂvice that our comÂpaÂny has not perÂformed as specÂiÂfied in the conÂtract which, takÂing into conÂsidÂerÂaÂtion the interÂests of both parÂties, jusÂtiÂfies the immeÂdiÂate withÂdrawÂal from the conÂtract by the customer.
- If the cusÂtomer is a conÂsumer and has installed the defecÂtive item into anothÂer item, in accorÂdance with its type and intendÂed use, or has fitÂted it to anothÂer item, we shall be obligÂatÂed to reimÂburse the cusÂtomer for the necÂesÂsary costs of removÂing the defecÂtive item and installing or affixÂing the repaired item or newÂly delivÂered item. The statuÂtoÂry proÂviÂsions shall apply in this respect.
- If the cusÂtomer is a busiÂness enterÂprise, he shall not be entiÂtled to demand that we reimÂburse him for the necÂesÂsary costs of removÂing the defecÂtive item and installing or affixÂing the repaired item or newÂly delivÂered item. Such claims for comÂpenÂsaÂtion are expressÂly excludÂed, unless we have maliÂciousÂly conÂcealed the defect.
- BusiÂness enterÂprisÂes must notiÂfy us in writÂing of obviÂous defects withÂin a periÂod of 5 days of receivÂing the goods; othÂerÂwise the asserÂtion of warÂranÂty claims in this respect is excludÂed. This shall not apply if we have maliÂciousÂly conÂcealed the defect. To comÂply with the deadÂline it is sufÂfiÂcient for the notiÂfiÂcaÂtion of defect to be sent in sufÂfiÂcient time.
- ConÂsumers must notiÂfy us in writÂing of obviÂous defects withÂin a periÂod of two months of receivÂing the goods. To comÂply with the deadÂline it is sufÂfiÂcient for the notiÂfiÂcaÂtion of defect to be sent in sufÂfiÂcient time. Should the conÂsumer fail to send such notiÂfiÂcaÂtion, his warÂranÂty rights perÂtainÂing to this obviÂous defect shall cease to exist once the two-month deadÂline has expired. This shall not apply if we have maliÂciousÂly conÂcealed the defect.
- If a livÂing plant is the purÂchased item and the plant dies, becomes infestÂed with pests or othÂerÂwise develÂops a disÂease, even withÂin six months of the transÂfer of risk, the conÂsumer shall assume the burÂden of proof that this sitÂuÂaÂtion had not already existÂed at the time of handÂing over the goods and did not occur due to impropÂer treatÂment of the plant by the consumer.
- Should we fail to perÂform a due serÂvice or fail to perÂform it as specÂiÂfied in the conÂtract, the cusÂtomer shall, withÂout requirÂing a speÂcifÂic deadÂline, be entiÂtled to demand comÂpenÂsaÂtion from us if we have seriÂousÂly and finalÂly refused to perÂform or if speÂcial cirÂcumÂstances exist which, takÂing into conÂsidÂerÂaÂtion the interÂests of both parÂties, jusÂtiÂfies immeÂdiÂateÂly assertÂing a claim for comÂpenÂsaÂtion. In terms of the necÂesÂsary costs of removÂing the defecÂtive item and installing or affixÂing the repaired item or newÂly delivÂered item, the limÂiÂtaÂtions set forth in par. 5 of this secÂtion shall apply.
- In terms of obviÂous defects, unless othÂerÂwise defined in this secÂtion, the periÂod of limÂiÂtaÂtion relatÂing to warÂranÂty claims for mateÂrÂiÂal defiÂcienÂcies for busiÂness enterÂprisÂes shall be one year from delivÂery of the goods. For conÂsumers the periÂod of limÂiÂtaÂtion shall be two years from delivÂery of the goods.
§11 Varieties protected by patents and plant variety rights
The purÂchase of variÂeties that are proÂtectÂed by patents and plant variÂety rights, the names of which are proÂtectÂed by tradeÂmark law, obligÂates the cusÂtomer, when conÂsidÂered to be a busiÂness enterÂprise, to only resell those variÂeties with the origÂiÂnal labels that were supÂplied with the plants and not to use the purÂchased plants, or parts thereÂof, for breedÂing purÂposÂes. The cusÂtomer, who is conÂsidÂered to be a busiÂness enterÂprise, underÂtakes in turn to impose the same requireÂments upon his cusÂtomers in casÂes where these plants are resold.
§12 Limitation of liability/disclaimer
- In the event that we breach our obligÂaÂtions our liaÂbilÂiÂty shall be limÂitÂed to intent and gross negÂliÂgence. These limÂiÂtaÂtions of liaÂbilÂiÂty shall also apply to breachÂes of obligÂaÂtions by our statuÂtoÂry repÂreÂsenÂtaÂtives and vicÂarÂiÂous agents.
- The limÂiÂtaÂtions of liaÂbilÂiÂty and disÂclaimers as set forth in par. 1 of this secÂtion shall not apply:
- in the event that we or our vicÂarÂiÂous agents breach an obligÂaÂtion intenÂtionÂalÂly or with gross negligence,
- in the event of damÂages where we or one of our vicÂarÂiÂous agents are responÂsiÂble for loss of life, perÂsonÂal injury or damÂage to health (perÂsonÂal injuries),
- in the event of a delay for which we are responÂsiÂble, proÂvidÂed a fixed delivÂery date had been agreed,
- in the event that a warÂranÂty is givÂen in respect of the charÂacÂterÂisÂtics of the goods, if a sucÂcessÂful perÂforÂmance guarÂanÂtee was givÂen or if a proÂcureÂment risk was assumed,
- for claims resultÂing from the prodÂuct liaÂbilÂiÂty law,
- in the event that carÂdiÂnal obligÂaÂtions are breached (essenÂtial conÂtracÂtuÂal obligÂaÂtions). These include such damÂages that we cause through an ordiÂnary negÂliÂgent breach of such conÂtracÂtuÂal obligÂaÂtions, the fulÂfilÂment of which is essenÂtial for the propÂer perÂforÂmance of the conÂtract and upon which the cusÂtomer regÂuÂlarÂly relies and may rely.
- Where no casÂes as set forth in par. 2 of this secÂtion exist, our liaÂbilÂiÂty, and that of our vicÂarÂiÂous agents shall, in the event of breachÂes obligÂaÂtions caused by ordiÂnary negÂliÂgence, be limÂitÂed to the foreÂseeÂable damÂages that are typÂiÂcal for this kind of conÂtract. We shall thereÂfore not be liable for damÂages that we would not have been expectÂed to have foreÂseen at the time of conÂcludÂing the conÂtract as a posÂsiÂble conÂseÂquence of the breach of conÂtract. We shall also not be liable for damÂages not caused to the delivÂered item itself; in parÂticÂuÂlar, we shall not be liable for lost profits.
$13 Final provisions
- The law of the FedÂerÂal RepubÂlic of GerÂmany shall apply. The proÂviÂsions of the UN Sales ConÂvenÂtion (CISG) shall not apply.
- If the cusÂtomer is a tradÂer, a corÂpoÂrate body under pubÂlic law or a speÂcial instiÂtuÂtion under pubÂlic law, the excluÂsive place of jurisÂdicÂtion for all disÂputes arisÂing from this conÂtract shall be the locaÂtion of our regÂisÂtered office. The same shall apply if the cusÂtomer does not have a place of genÂerÂal jurisÂdicÂtion in GerÂmany or if his domiÂcile or habitÂuÂal resÂiÂdence at the time of the comÂmenceÂment of proÂceedÂings are unknown. OthÂerÂwise the statuÂtoÂry proÂviÂsions shall apply.
- Should any indiÂvidÂual proÂviÂsions of the conÂtact with the cusÂtomer, includÂing these genÂerÂal terms and conÂdiÂtions of busiÂness, be or become inefÂfecÂtive in part or in full, this shall not affect the validÂiÂty of the remainÂing provisions.