The LapÂpen tree nursÂery offers planÂners and archiÂtects a comÂpreÂhenÂsive levÂel of supÂport. This not only encomÂpassÂes conÂsultÂing serÂvices durÂing the planÂning phase, but also durÂing and folÂlowÂing realÂiÂsaÂtion of their projects. LapÂpen supÂports its cusÂtomers in Great Britain in EngÂlish when selectÂing the right plants for the intendÂed location.
ArchiÂtects also receive advice relatÂing to the availÂable range of plants durÂing the prepaÂraÂtion of tenÂders. In detail, these serÂvices include docÂuÂments in high-qualÂiÂty EngÂlish, a cost analyÂsis and visÂits to the tree nursÂery for project planÂning purposes.
In the process, the availÂabilÂiÂty of the desired plants is checked and, should a botÂtleÂneck arise, indiÂvidÂual alterÂnaÂtives are offered. British cusÂtomers are parÂticÂuÂlarÂly fond of the speÂcial and eye-catchÂing shapes and prunings.
Once the approÂpriÂate trees have been selectÂed they are hard tagged and preÂpared for their future desÂtiÂnaÂtion in a propÂer and proÂfesÂsionÂal manÂner. The long-estabÂlished tree nursÂery also offers culÂtiÂvaÂtion conÂtracts for speÂcial requireÂments and projects.
Our target groups
Gardening and landscaping
In the garÂdenÂing and landÂscapÂing secÂtor the name LapÂpen is synÂonyÂmous with reliÂaÂbilÂiÂty and a diverse assortÂment of plants.
Local authorities
Local authorÂiÂties have been procurÂing their plants and trees from the LapÂpen tree nursÂery in the LowÂer Rhine region for over 100 years.