Tub plants: in boxes and containers

In addi­tion to the com­pre­hen­sive open-air assort­ment of over 400,000 trees, there is also an exclu­sive year-round choice of con­tainer­ised plants. Lap­pen main­tains a large assort­ment of plants for plant­i­ng out in sum­mer for gar­den­ers who make spon­ta­neous pur­chas­es. When ordered, Lap­pen will pre­pare the request­ed  plants and hold them in Sum­mer stor­age.   These can then also be plant­ed out­side the dor­man­cy peri­od – which means that noth­ing stands in the way of flex­i­ble gar­den and land­scap­ing design.

Among oth­ers, the Acer gin­nala (Amur maple), Acer palma­tum (palmate maple) and Acer japon­icum ‘Aconi­ti­foli­um’ (downy Japan­ese maple) are avail­able in con­tain­ers. Their fil­i­gree, fresh green foliage and fiery autum­nal colour­ing add val­ue to any gar­den and reflect the sea­sons inten­sive­ly. They also add to the ambi­ence on ter­races, in rock­eries and in pub­lic gar­dens with their beau­ti­ful vari­ety of colours.

These plants grow par­tic­u­lar­ly mag­nif­i­cent­ly in sun­ny to change­able sunny/shady loca­tions with fresh, slight­ly acidic, very per­me­able, sandy, humus-rich soils. For instance, the Acer palma­tum (Japan­ese maple) prefers slight­ly raised loca­tions and is suit­able, as are many oth­er Japan­ese maples, for cre­at­ing colour­ful high­lights in autumn.

Anoth­er tub plant in the tree nurs­ery’s com­pre­hen­sive assort­ment is the Cor­nus kousa ‘Venus’ (flow­er­ing dog­wood). This pro­duces par­tic­u­lar­ly large, creamy-white blos­soms with a diam­e­ter of 12–15 cm dur­ing the middle/end of May. Dur­ing the course of the year it has even more to offer: the straw­ber­ry-red coloured fruit in October/November and the love­ly autum­nal colour­ing in shades rang­ing from yel­low and vio­let right through to red.

The round-leaved moun­tain hol­ly and dark red Acer palma­tum ‘Dis­sec­tum Gar­net’ or the green Acer palma­tum ‘Dis­sec­tum Green Globe’ (palmate maple) are also avail­able as tub plants. Their spe­cial shapes and colour­ings make them a delight to behold. While the round-leaved moun­tain hol­ly has a dense and bushy com­pact shape with round­ed leaves, the Acer palma­tum (palmate maple) cre­ates colour­ful high­lights in gar­dens and pub­lic parks.

Oth­er vari­eties of maple, such as the Acer palma­tum ‘Blood­good’ (pur­ple-leaved Japan­ese maple), Acer gri­se­um (cin­na­mon maple) and the Acer japon­icum ‘Aconi­ti­foli­um’ (downy Japan­ese maple) are suit­able both as soli­tary trees and – thanks to their nar­row and branched crowns – also for plant­i­ng in con­fined spaces. This decid­u­ous plant is there­fore excel­lent­ly suit­ed to plant­i­ng in con­tain­ers. The Maple feels par­tic­u­lar­ly at home in soils that are slight­ly acidic to loamy.